Election Results

When will I see Official Election Results?

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Local Election Results

Local election results are maintained by the municipal election officials. To find election results for local offices such as mayor, sheriff, school board, county or or town supervisor, please check with the appropriate county or municipal clerk

Wisconsin does not have a statewide system for reporting unofficial results on Election Night, and there is no central official website or feed where results are reported.  State law requires that counties post the unofficial election night numbers for each polling place.  The unofficial statewide and county results numbers that the public sees on Election Night and the days thereafter come from the news media, including the Associated Press, which collects them from the 72 county clerks’ websites.

State and Federal Official Results

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    The official results for the November 8, 2022 General Election for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, U.S. Senator, Representative in Congress, State Senator (odd-numbered districts) Representatives to the Assembly (all districts) were certified by the...