Preparing for the August Partisan Primary Webinar ★

Webinar for Clerks, Chief Inspectors and Poll Workers
Preparing for the August Partisan Primary

Wednesday, June 22, ★see webinar: Click here  

In a partisan primary, electors vote by party to qualify candidates for the November General Election. Some voters may take issue with voting by party, rather than candidate, but Wisconsin’s partisan primary has been in place since the early 1900s! This webinar reviews the rules for counting votes in a partisan primary, the impact of selecting a party preference, overriding and remaking crossover and overvoted ballots and provide some new counting write-in votes scenarios just for this election! A copy of the PowerPoint will be posted Tuesday afternoon.

The webcast will be posted by the Thursday following the session on the WEC website for election officials to review at their convenience and will include indexing by-topic: The training counts toward training hours whether you participate in the live webinar or review the recording at a later date.

Live Webinar Requirements

You must be able to view videos on your computer, using a media application such as Windows Media Player.  If questions, please contact @email or (608) 261-2033. Thank you.
