WisVote Redistricting Updates Webinar ★

Webinar for Wisconsin County and Municipal Clerks
WisVote Redistricting Updates   

Tuesday, December 14, 2021 

★see webinar:TLC  

With the first redistricting map updates live in WisVote, this webinar covers the redistricting already in progress, next steps, and what actions clerks will need to take. Points of emphasis includes impacts to election plans and reporting units for spring. We also cover updates to the MyVote Absentee Options process in WisVote.

A webcast will also be posted on the Wisconsin Election Training  TLC site for clerks to review at their convenience. https://elections.wi.gov/ The training counts toward training hours whether you participate in the live webinar or review the recording at a later date.






Online Webinar Requirements

You must be able to view videos on your computer, using a media application such as Windows Media Player. If you have questions about the technical aspects of the webinar, please contact the Elections Help Desk at @email or (608) 261-2028.

 A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) generated from the webinar will be posted after the webcast.

Comments or concerns, contact @email  or (608) 266-0395. Thank you.