Third Party Absentee Ballot Request Form Mailing: Center for Voter Information

This is older content that may possibly be out of date at this time.

The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) has been advised that an absentee ballot request mailing will start arriving in Wisconsin around April 25, 2022.  The mailing is from the Center for Voter Information (CVI), which is a nonprofit voter outreach group that is not affiliated with the State.  CVI is sending out a letter along with a version of the current Wisconsin Absentee Ballot Request (EL-121).  An example of the mailing is attached to this communication. 

CVI tells us they are sending this mailing to roughly 667,485 people in 1,581 Wisconsin municipalities.  A list containing the number of mailings sent to voters in each of these municipalities has also been provided for your reference below.  If your municipality is represented on the list from CVI, you may receive one of these absentee ballot request forms.  The absentee ballot request form should be treated as any other absentee ballot request form you may receive by mail.  Please review them to ensure all required information and supporting documentation have been provided by the voter.  Clerks should not process forms that are not accompanied by an acceptable copy of proof of identification for voters who are required to provide their photo ID.  Instead, please contact the voter to request a copy of acceptable proof of identification if needed. 

CVI has made information about their process available on their website:  The website also contains an electronic form that voters can use to unsubscribe from CVI’s mailings:   

Reminder, these mailings are not from WEC, WEC does not endorse these mailings, nor does WEC have the ability to limit third-party mailings to voters.  This message is being sent to clerks for your awareness as such mailings in the past have generated additional calls and questions to local and state election offices.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at @email or call the Help Desk at (608) 261-2028 with any questions or concerns that you may have.
