On December 19, 2023, the Commission members voted 6–0 to approve the draft language of the proposed Ch. EL 4 on Election Observers and directed staff to advance to the next phase of rule promulgation. The current phase is the Economic Impact Analysis. Please take a look at the three documents posted here and at this link: https://elections.wi.gov/draft-rule-chapter-el-4-election-observers. The documents are the Rule Order–containing the full text as approved by the Commission–the draft Economic Impact Analysis, and a notice inviting individuals affected by the rule to comment on any economic impacts that might stem from the rule.
This phase of comments is focused exclusively on economic impacts. The phase after this will be a public hearing and comment period, and the Commission will then accept all comments on the text of the rule. Though you may certainly begin preparing comments on the text and substance of the rule using this draft, please do not submit comments on the rule text until the public hearing and comment period has been noticed by the Commission. You will receive another notice once the Commission has approved a public hearing and comment period.
Economic impact comments can be emailed directly to me and will be accepted until March 11. Please let us know if you wish to collaborate with us on the Economic Impact Analysis.
Any comments or questions can be emailed to Brandon Hunzicker at @email.