Election Day Supplies - COVID 19

Thank you to each of our municipal and county clerk partners for everything you are doing to lead your communities through this difficult time.  Everything you have done to prepare for Election Day is truly incredible.  To support your efforts the following supplies have been distributed to each county to be provided to municipalities for each polling place.  A copy of the WEC elections public health checklist is also being provided to each polling place and you can find that here   https://elections.wi.gov/node/6787. Please coordinate with your county as soon as possible to retrieve your allocated supplies:

•    Sanitizer Solution and Spray Bottles.  Each polling place will receive glass, liter bottles containing a 70% ethyl alcohol sanitization liquid solution and plastic spray bottles with labels on them.  Once you receive your supplies, you will need to pour the solution from the glass bottles into the plastic spray bottles for use at your polling place.  DO NOT DILUTE SOLUTION WITH WATER OR GEL.  The solution is the proper alcohol content recommended by the CDC.  Adding anything to it could render it ineffective.  As we have previously noted, there is not traditional, gel sanitizer available for purchase.  The liquid solution is safe for hands and most surfaces. 

  • Use as Hand Sanitizer. The sanitizer solution should be used as hand sanitizer for voters and poll workers. One spray completely wets hands and should be allowed to air dry.  
  • Use as Surface Sanitizer. The same solution can also be sprayed on surfaces like tables.  If possible, it should also be allowed to airdry on surfaces or it can be wiped with paper towel.  This solution should not be used on voting equipment or touch screens.  

•    Masks. As pictured, below, you are also receiving masks as part of your order.  Poll workers may choose to wear a surgical mask; however they must still avoid touching their face and other people, maintain social distancing, and conduct frequent hand washing.  Poll workers wearing protective equipment must not let their guard down.  Masks labeled “N95” or “KN95” should not be worn as they restrict breathing and can be a health hazard to those with heart or lung conditions.  OSHA requires individuals be medically evaluated and fit tested before wearing an N95 mask.  If you are uncertain what kind of mask you have, please ask a health professional.  N95 and K95 masks should be returned to county clerks immediately. 
•    Gloves. As pictured below, you are also receiving gloves as part of your order.   Poll workers may choose to wear gloves, however they must still avoid touching their face and other people, maintain social distancing, and conduct frequent hand washing.   Poll workers wearing protective equipment must not let their guard down.  It is very important to note that you can still transmit disease on gloves.  Hand hygiene should remain your number one priority.  The virus cannot be absorbed through the skin, so gloves should be used with extreme caution to still ensure you are focusing on hand cleanliness and understand how to use them safely.  

•    Signs and Printed Materials.  The public health checklist and other recommended materials are being provided for each polling place.  Each packet will include one election public health checklist, two poll worker health screeners, two health alert polling place entrance signs, four social distancing signs, two poll book/photo ID signs, and two registration table signs.  If more are needed for your polling place you may make additional copies.  

•    Paper Towel.   As pictured at right, canisters of disposable paper towels are also being provided.  You can remove these towels from the canisters to use to wipe surfaces or for hand wash stations or sinks. Do not pour the sanitizing solution in the paper towel canisters.  The paper towels are meant to be used to wipe surfaces after you have sprayed them with the sanitizing solution.   

•    Tape.  To help with marking six-foot distances in lines and at polling place tables, painters’ tape is being provided.  This can also be used to hang signs in your polling place and to mark designated areas at the poll book table where you would like voters to set their photo ID.  

Supplies you may be getting but that will arrive separately.
We are still working with the State Emergency Operations Center to procure the following to be sent to counties this weekend.  You may also be receiving these supplies:

•    Pens.  Wisconsin Emergency Management has purchased enough ball point pens for each polling place to be provided with enough pens for each voter.  The pen shipment has not yet been received and we did not want to delay the delivery of other, more critical supplies. If received, the pens can be used once by each voter to sign the poll book.  In jurisdictions using the ES&S DS200, ES&S M100, or Clear Ballot ClearCount as voting equipment, the voter can also use the provided pen to mark their ballot.  In jurisdictions using the Insight and ICE voting equipment, they should not use the provided pens and need to instead use the vendor’s approved marking device, or it may cause malfunction with the voting equipment. In these jurisdictions the vendor approved marking device can be sanitized using the solution provided.  Voters may take the provided pens with them, or they may dispose of them, but they should only be used once.  

•    Isopropyl Wipes.  To clean voting equipment and touch screens, 70% isopropyl wipes are also being provided.  Please see the checklist for guidance on how often to use.  Vendor specific instructions are also available here: https://elections.wi.gov/node/6723.

Supplies not being provided.

•    Gel Hand Sanitizer.  Again, no gel sanitizer was available in state or nationally for purchase.  The liquid alcohol solution being provided is hand sanitizer and surface spray.  


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