***This is a carryover meeting from March 7, 2025, to consider agenda items that were not previously completed or require further examination in a second meeting. The March 7 meeting materials are being carried forward to March 12, and they will be posted with any new content at: This notice and agenda has been updated to only reflect the remaining agenda items, or items that will be considered on both March 7 and March 12.***
Call to Order
Administrator’s Report of Appropriate Meeting Notice
Discussion, Review, and Possible Action Pertaining to Communications Strategies for the Avoidance and Noticing of Inadvertently Uncounted Ballots
Discussion, Review, and Possible Action Pertaining to Commission compliance with Wis. Stat. § 757.07, including Discussion, Review, and Possible Action Pertaining to the Judicial Privacy Rule (EL Chapter 19)
Discussion, Review, and Possible Action Pertaining to the Agency Internal Control Plan
Consideration and Resolution of Wis. Stat. § 5.06 Complaints
EL 24-39 – Charles Hanna et al. v. Claire Woodall et al.
EL 24-107 – Beth Kreitzer v. Brad Calder
EL 24-120 – Michael Nedvidek v. Michelle Nelson
Discussion, Review, and Possible Action Pertaining to Agency Records Policy, Retention, and Planning
Staff Updates to the Commission