Wisconsin Election Commission and MyVote Logo Usage Policy

The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) logo and MyVote logo are important symbols that lend authority to the WEC and distinguish it as the official source of election information in the State of Wisconsin. The WEC recognizes the importance of protecting these symbols and therefore provides the following policies regarding their usage.

Note that these policies are directed to organizations separate from the WEC itself (“External Organizations”) which include: 
•    a publicly traded or private company, 
•    an institution, program, or society, such as an educational institution or its employees, 
•    any federal, state, or local government entity or official external to the WEC (including municipal and county clerks and their staff),
•    any political party, campaign, or their staff, and 
•    the news media.

External Organizations that are not subject to this policy are those that have entered into a partnership with the WEC and/or have received the WEC’s permission to use the WEC or MyVote logo, as set forth below.

Use of WEC Logo:

The WEC prohibits use of the WEC’s logo by External Organizations without the express, written permission of agency staff with the following exception: The WEC logo may be used without express permission only for educational purposes, or by news media for informational purposes.

If you have questions about this policy, or to obtain written permission for usage of the WEC logo, please contact the WEC at @email.

Use of MyVote Wisconsin Logo:

The WEC’s MyVote Wisconsin website is Wisconsin’s official public-facing voter information portal. The MyVote logo is an important symbol that lends authority to this official State of Wisconsin voter resource. With these considerations in mind, the WEC wishes to allow the use of the MyVote logo by External Organizations, subject to the following policies.

External Organizations may use the MyVote logo to direct people to the MyVote.wi.gov website provided that the following disclaimer is used:  

MyVote is a product of the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC). The WEC has not reviewed these materials. Logo placement does not imply a WEC endorsement.

The WEC strongly encourages External Organizations to use the logos provided for download which incorporate the above disclaimer.

To assist voters, and prevent confusion, the WEC encourages External Organizations to include the MyVote.wi.gov URL when referring to MyVote or using the MyVote logo. This will allow voters to more easily locate the website.

Prohibited uses of the MyVote Wisconsin logo by external organizations include:

•    Use that would attribute voting-related information to the WEC that the WEC has not expressly reviewed and approved by staff in writing, or
•    Implying that a voter’s personal voting information or history has been obtained using the MyVote Wisconsin website.  

The WEC reserves the right to reject any use of the MyVote logo by an External Organization or to request its immediate removal from any materials.

If an External Organization has questions regarding appropriate uses of the MyVote logo, please contact the WEC at @email.
