Municipal clerks are required by state law to provide training. This training provides all of the necessary information and knowledge to be a successful poll worker. (Many municipalities require poll workers to attend a comprehensive training course prior to each Primary election.)
An experienced chief inspector who has been certified by the State Elections Board must be present at each polling place for each election. Chief inspectors must receive six hours of continuing election education training during each two-year period.
Election Inspectors (poll workers) conduct assigned duties at a polling site on Election Day. Duties can include issuing ballots to registered voters, registering voters, monitoring the voting equipment, explaining how to mark the ballot or use the voting equipment or counting votes.
Anyone can remain at the polling place for purposes of observing the election. They may not, however, interfere with the orderly conduct of the election. A candidate must leave the polling place after voting to avoid the appearance of electioneering.
The chief inspector is in charge of keeping order at the polling place. If a person is interfering with the orderly conduct of the election, the chief inspector may ask that person to leave the polling place. If the person refuses, the inspectors may seek assistance from the municipal clerk. If the municipal clerk cannot be contacted, or if the person refuses an order by the municipal clerk, law enforcement may be called. 3/24/2003
The municipal clerk is an election administrator and, as such, should be available to the election inspectors on election day for advice, supplies, etc. In addition, there are circumstances where a hospitalized elector or sequestered juror may request an absentee ballot from the clerk on election day. Therefore, if the clerk is unable to be available on election day, a deputy should be appointed to act in the clerk's absence. 3/24/2003
The presence of a candidate at a location where ballots are given to voters may give the appearance of electioneering. During hours when ballots may be cast, Wis. Stat. § 12.03 prohibits electioneering at polling places, in-person absentee voting sites, and locations where special voting deputies are present. It also prevents electioneering on public property within 100 feet of an entrance to one of these locations. Electioneering is defined by the statute as “any activity which is intended to influence voting at an election.” Additionally, while most individuals may observe voting at polling places and in-person absentee voting sites, any candidate whose name appears on a ballot at one of those locations is not extended that right under Wis. Stat. § 7.41(1). For these reasons, the Wisconsin Elections Commission recommends that a candidate only be present at one of these locations in order to vote, and to leave as soon as the candidate has finished voting.