2020 General Election

Did 200,000 people vote without a photo ID?

No. Wisconsin law allows a person who is “indefinitely confined because of age, physical illness or infirmity or is disabled for an indefinite period” to become a permanent absentee voter “by signing a statement to that effect.” This law has been on the books for more than 30 years. Being a
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Did Dominion voting equipment flip votes from Trump to Biden?

Absolutely not. Twenty-eight reporting units using Dominion systems were randomly selected after the election and audited for the Presidential contest, and all the audits confirmed that the hand-counted paper ballots exactly matched the electronic results from the machines. In the 15 Wisconsin
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Were recount observers prevented from seeing ballots and envelopes?

Some observers at the recounts held in Dane and Milwaukee counties have complained that they were unable to get close enough to the workers to see everything they were doing, and for that reason, those ballots should not be counted. State law that governs recounts allows candidates and their
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