2019 WEC Internal Control Plan

Annually, the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) is required to adopt written policies and procedures to govern its internal operations, pursuant to Wis. Stat. s. 5.05 (16) (a). Attached is WEC’s 2019 approved Internal Control Plan, which describes the agency’s internal operations.

  1. Control Environment (Mission Statement, Code of Conduct, Strategic Plans and Organizational Chart, Personnel Policies and Procedures, Position Descriptions and other Functional Guidance Materials Provided to Employees);
  2. Risk Assessment (funding sources, system and tools and transaction cycles);
  3. Control Activities (performance reviews, physical and electronic controls, information processing;
  4. Information & Communication and the Monitoring of the internal control structure;
  5. Documents identified in the Plan as appendices are not attached due to their volume but can be provided upon request.
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