Election Update January 2009


G.A.B. Establishes Ad Hoc SVRS Study Team to Improve the System

Since the G.A.B.’s Elections Division assumed responsibility for Statewide Voter Registration System (SVRS) maintenance at the end of February 2008, the system has been brought into compliance with the federal Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) and improved in other areas.

However, the performance (speed and reliability) of the SVRS is still an issue that can irritate local election officials at times.  The G.A.B. has therefore created a five-person Ad Hoc SVRS Study Team to develop a Request for Information (RFI) or Request for Service (RFS) for the system to ask potential vendors how they might help the Division improve the SVRS.  One member of the team is a State Division of Enterprise Technology staff person, and another is Ben Cameron, SVRS IT consultant.  The team has been encouraged to discuss SVRS frustrations with local election officials as it proceeds toward a mid-February deadline for submission of its draft request.  Local election officials can submit comments to Functional Team Lead Sarah Whitt at @email.

Items for Elections Division 2009 Agenda Should Be Submitted by January 16

As the Wisconsin Elections Division continues to formulate a program, policy and legislative agenda for 2009, local election officials are still invited to contribute new ideas.  In a December 26, 2008, memo to local election officials, the following areas were identified as examples for possible action in 2009:

    * Review of election business processes
    * Examination of early voting for implementation in Wisconsin
    * Review of deadlines for post-election activities by clerks
    * Examination of voter registration requirements as affected by date of registration
    * Review of administrative rule pertaining to election observers
    * Consideration of expansion of central count absentee process to more municipalities
    * Review of Special Registration Deputy status in Wisconsin


The original due date for new ideas, January 5, has been extended to Friday, January 16.  Send comments to Elections Division Administrator Nat Robinson at @email or call 608-267-0715.

Board to Discuss “HAVA Check” Protocol at Next Meeting; Clerks May Comment

An Elections Division draft protocol for the upcoming retroactive “HAVA Check” process will be considered by the Government Accountability Board at its January 15 meeting.  While a November 28, 2008, memo encouraged local election officials to react to the proposal, there is still time to voice concerns.  The draft protocol is still posted to the Elections Division homepage, dated 11/28/08, and local election officials are invited to attend the meeting or make comment to Elections Division Administrator Nat Robinson at @email or 608-267-0715.

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