2024-2025 Calendar of Election Events Finalized

This is older content that may possibly be out of date at this time.

Please click this link to see the 2024-2025 Calendar of Election Events

1.    Background
The final version of the clerk-reviewed 2024-2025 Calendar of Election Events is ready for use. It includes dates and deadlines from November 2023 through January 2025 and is a valuable tool for election officials to use throughout the election cycle. The calendar is available in multiple formats: a PDF in two different font sizes, a general Excel spreadsheet, and an Excel file that can be imported into Microsoft Outlook.
Some users might notice the 2024-2025 Calendar of Election Events looks slightly different than previous versions.  WEC staff used Excel to build a more user-friendly version that allows future Calendar of Election Events dates to be easily fillable, which will lead to faster updates and distribution of calendars going forward. 

Please note that the filing period for the November General Election still sets a Saturday, June 1, 2024, deadline, in accordance with Wis. Stat. § 8.20(8)(a) and associated statutes. WEC staff have, however, requested an opinion from the Wisconsin Department of Justice about this deadline and whether Wis. Stat. § 990.001(4)(c) applies when the legislature has designated a specific hour of a specific calendar day as a deadline. The WEC will communicate with clerks once we have received the opinion from the justice department on whether clerks should anticipate the filing deadline to stay on Saturday, June 1, 2024, or if it will move to the following business day. 

Thank you to all the clerks and local election officials who helped in the review of the calendar during the past week. Your comments and suggestions have been incorporated, and the following changes were made from the previously posted calendar: 

2. Changes made to final version of the calendar:

New Row Number  Previous Row Number Description of Edit
Row 62 Row 70 Deadline for filing officer to submit a referendum question to the county clerk updated
Row 75   Row 75  In-Person Absentee Voting deadline language updated
N/A   Row 135  Deleted a redundant deadline
Row 137 Row 138 In-Person Absentee Voting deadline language updated
Row 269 Row 270 Language updated to reflect the November 8, 2022, General Election date
Row 286 N/A Inserted IPAV start date for November 5, 2024, General Election

WEC staff have also created a PDF version of the calendar in a larger font size, but please note that the font size in the Excel spreadsheets can be increased without changing the formulas or deadlines in the calendar.

As a reminder, the calendar of election events does not include campaign finance filing deadlines. For campaign finance deadlines visit the Wisconsin Ethics Commission website: https://ethics.wi.gov.

3. Questions
If you have any questions, please reach out to the WEC Help Desk at @email or at 608-261-2028.
