G.A.B. Accessibility Advisory Committee

G.A.B. Office, 212 E. Washington Ave., Third Floor, Madison, WI

Meeting Agenda

I.    Opening Remarks

II.    Audit program update
a.    Spring election cycle summary and review
b.    Survey updates and IT project

III.    Legislative Issues
a.    Review of recently passed election legislation
b.    Photo ID update
c.    Online voter registration public hearing

IV.    National Information
a.    PEW Index
b.    PCEA review

V.    Voting equipment
a.    Prime III pilot report and discussion
b.    Voting equipment testing and approval update
c.    Development and revision of accessibility component of voting equipment testing

VI.    Outreach efforts for 2014
a.    Review of draft outreach materials
b.    Discussion of partnership opportunities
c.    Voting equipment training seminars

VII.    Usability Testing/Usability Expert visit to G.A.B. (Dana Chisnell)

VIII.    Future issues to consider

IX.    Next steps/meeting date