2023-2024 Calendar of Election Events

Update:  The 2024 Calendar of Election Events has been updated to reflect the deadlines associated with the 24-hour deadline for the filing officer to deliver a copy of a sworn challenge to a challenged candidate. These updates are associated with the June 2024, August 2024, and January 2025 filing deadlines. 

The 2023-2024 Calendar of Election Events includes deadlines from November 2023 through January 2025 and is a valuable tool for election officials to use throughout the election cycle. The calendar is available in multiple formats including PDF, and Word for your convenience. An Excel version and the instructions for importing the Excel calendar into Microsoft Outlook Calendar will be posted with the calendar in the near future.

As a reminder, the calendar of election events does not include campaign finance filing deadlines. For campaign finance deadlines visit the Wisconsin Ethics Commission website: https://ethics.wi.gov.

When uploading to your calendar, please be sure to check "Do not import duplicate items."

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