Election Update Special Edition: Four Year Voter Maintenance

Notice of Suspension of Registration Postcards To Be Mailed February 20

On February 20, 2009, approximately 313,205 voters, who were identified in the Statewide Voter Registration System
as not voting in the past 4 years, will be mailed Notice of Suspension of Registration postcards by the Government
Accountability Board (G.A.B.). The voter will be given 30-days, or until March 23, to respond and continue their
registration. Attached to the Notice of Suspension is a tear-off, returnable Application for Continuation of
Registration postcard. G.A.B. will be processing the returned Applications for Continuation.

Voters who receive a card, but believe they have voted in Wisconsin in the last four years, should contact the G.A.B.
Help Desk at 608-261-2028. Voters can also check the State’s Voter Public Access (VPA) website at
https://vpa.wi.gov to check their registration status and voting history.

Voters being sent the postcard continue to have an “Active” voter status, were included on poll lists for the February
17, 2009 Spring Primary Election, and will remain on the poll list for the April 7, 2009 Spring Election.

The G.A.B. is committed to keeping clerks, municipalities, the legislature and the general public informed about the
Four Year Voter Maintenance Process. A letter to clerk’s from the Elections Division Administrator, frequently asked
questions, and other information about the process is posted to the Elections Division’s homepage at

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