Gov. Evers Order - COVID-19

The Governor's order was overturned by the Wisconsin Supreme Court later on Monday. The election is going forward.

Municipal and County Clerk Partners,

The Governor just issued an executive order delaying in-person voting for the April 7, 2020 election until June 9.   While the Governor has called for moving the election, we can be certain there will be very fast moving litigation.  The order is at the link and in the text below. 

Therefore, we must continue to making preparation in earnest for tomorrow.  If the election is moved to the 9th we will adjust accordingly, but all we can do today is prepare for tomorrow.  As additional details come to our attention, we will share them with you.  

I know too much has already been asked of you, but we ask you to proceed with your Election Day preparations as we do not know the outcome of any possible litigation and we need to be prepared if the election is held tomorrow.  

Our state is so incredibly lucky to have each and everyone of you.  Thank you for your continued public service and we will let you know if there are any additional developments.


Office of Governor Tony Evers


Contact: @email or 608-219-7443


Gov. Evers Suspends In-Person Voting, Calls Legislature into Special Session on April 7 Election


MADISON – Gov. Tony Evers, in the absence of legislative action, today signed Executive Order #74, suspending in-person voting for the April 7 spring election, moving in-person voting to June 9, 2020. The order also directs the Legislature to meet in special session on Tues., April 7, 2020 to address the election date. If the Legislature does not enact legislation to change the new election date, in-person voting will occur on June 9, 2020.

“Today, I signed an executive order suspending in-person voting for tomorrow’s election. Frankly, there’s no good answer to this problem—I wish it were easy. I have been asking everyone to do their part to help keep our families, our neighbors, and our communities safe, and I had hoped that the Legislature would do its part—just as the rest of us are—to help keep people healthy and safe,” said Gov. Evers. “But as municipalities are consolidating polling locations, and absent legislative or court action, I cannot in good conscience stand by and do nothing. The bottom line is that I have an obligation to keep people safe, and that’s why I signed this executive order today.”

All ballots already cast in the 2020 Spring election will remain valid and will be tallied in conjunction with the new in-person voting date.

Executive Order #74 is available

The governor previously
signed Executive Order #73 calling the Legislature to meet in a special session to send a ballot to every registered voter, allow an all-mail election, and extend the time for those ballots to be received and counted. The Legislature did not take up these changes in special session. Gov. Evers also proposed legislation that had several provisions aimed at making voting easier and more accessible during the public health emergency. A brief summary of that legislation is available here for review. Additionally, Gov. Evers called for the Legislature to act on this issue in a video, available here

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