Election Administration and Election Day Manuals Revised September 2020

In preparation for the November General Election, both the Election Day and Election Administration Manuals have been updated.  These updates provide clarification of step-by-step procedures, address changes made to processes due to recent court decisions and provide relevant statutory citations, where appropriate.  

The Election Administration Manual has been updated to reflect revisions to the voter registration application (EL-131) and the provisional voting procedure.  The manual also includes many statutory references that election officials can use when answering questions.  

The Election Day Manual has also been updated to provide statutory references throughout the manual.   

Both manuals can be printed from the WEC website: https://elections.wi.gov/publications/manuals.  Manuals and webinars can also be ordered for a fee: https://elections.wi.gov/node/6554.  If you have any questions, please contact Allison Coakley:  @email.