EL-123is and IDPP Palm Card Updates

To prepare for the November 3, 2020 General Election, WEC staff have updated the Provisional Voting Information Sheet (EL-123is) and the ID Petition Process (IDPP) palm card to reflect the decisions from the One Wisconsin/Luft federal court cases.  This decision requires clerks to post a version of the IDPP palm card at each polling place, and for a copy of the IDPP palm card to be provided to every voter who casts a provisional ballot.  More information about this court decision can be found at https://elections.wi.gov/node/7144.

In summary, the following updates were made:

  • EL-123is
    • A university, college, or technical college ID that is unexpired do not need to provide a separate document that proves current enrollment.
      • If the university, college, or technical college ID is expired, the voter will need to provide a separate document that proves current enrollment.
    • The IDPP receipt is valid for 60 days.
  • IDPP Palm Card
    • Higher resolution versions were created to allow clerks to print larger versions with all of the information on one side to post at each polling place on Election Day.
    • A front-and-back version has been created that can be printed and provided to each provisional voter.

If you have any questions, please contact the Wisconsin Elections Commission Help Desk at 608-266-8005 or @email.