At this link,…, is a draft Economic Impact Analysis (EIA) and a draft rule order for an administrative rule proposed by the Wisconsin Elections Commission. The rule proposes to carry out a new statute, Wis. Stat. § 8.10(8), concerning nomination papers and declarations of candidacy, and the law and rule may affect your ballot access process.
In short, the law allows judicial officers and judicial candidates who certify their residence with the Commission to withhold their residential address on nomination papers and declarations of candidacy. The rule would provide the procedures for individuals to certify their residence with the Commission, explains that the Commission must communicate this information with affected county and municipal clerks, and provides that individuals who have successfully filed may add “Residence Certified with WEC” on nomination papers and declarations of candidacy in lieu of their residential address.
The rule is now in the economic impact comment phase, and you may provide comments on any economic impacts you believe would result from the rule. You may also ask to coordinate with the Commission on preparing the EIA. Please review the notice, scope statement, draft EIA and draft rule order and provide any comments by Monday, March 31, 2025.