Recall Elections

Recall gives voters the right to reconsider their choice of an elected official; however, it does not automatically result in removal of an official from office. It provides an opportunity for voters to require an elected official to run for office again before the expiration of his or her term. An official must be in office for one year before a recall can be initiated.  The requirements for initiating recall efforts are very specific and must be carefully followed.  Please consult the recall manuals.

Number of signatures required

The petition must contain the signatures of qualified electors equal to at least 25% of the vote cast for the office of Governor at the last General Election held within the same district or jurisdiction as that of the officeholder.  Once a recall committee registers with the filing officer, the official number of signatures required will be provided.

Information about Recall Committees

When there is a recall of a statewide office, recall committees must file with the Campaign Registration Form with Wisconsin Ethics Commission. Recall committees that have registered with the Wisconsin Ethics Commission are listed in the Campaign Finance Information System (CFIS).