G.A.B. Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting

Risser Justice Center, 120 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Madison, Wisconsin


Government Accountability Board
Accessibility Advisory Committee

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Rare Book Room; Third Floor
Risser Justice Center
120 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
Madison, Wisconsin
9:30 AM

Meeting Agenda

I.    Opening Remarks

II.    Audit program update
a.    Screening of VOTE documentary from Pennsylvania (15 minutes)
b.    Closing out 2013
c.    Milwaukee Election Commission audit responses and accessibility plan
d.    ADA compliance – discussion of balance between good faith efforts for compliance and complete barrier removal
i.    Alameda County case – blind voters lawsuit alleges accessible equipment did not allow them to vote privately and independently

III.    Discussion and explanation of accessibility budget (HAVA 261 fund)

IV.    Legislative Issues
a.    Current draft legislation
b.    Kevin Kennedy testimony to the Presidential Commission on Election Administration
c.    Federal Photo ID trial update

V.    Voting equipment
a.    Overview of approval and certification process
b.    Recent certification issues of equipment currently in use
c.    Prime III pilot for spring 2014

VI.    Outreach efforts for 2014

VII.    Future issues to consider

VIII.    Next steps/meeting date